The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The best time to start working out with your fellow humans is NOW! As in, Natural Outdoor Workout.

Join our tribe to re-learn and truly experience the full spectrum of human movement patterns without the obligatory sports mindset.  In other words: just move—freely and functionally. There's "martial arts", why not "movement arts"?

Join us in person

Ask yourself:

  • When did you stop using the monkey bars?

  • Do you make that "old person" sigh when getting up from a chair?

  • Is hiking the local trail the only time you spend time in nature?]

  • Are you just watching your kids play instead of joining them?

Still wondering what we do? Check out sample video below.


Who are we?

We are a modern-day primal movement tribe, who meet up in person and connect through embodied practices.

Tribal elders:

  • Charlie, MovNat Master Level Trainer (Level III, Aquatics, Combatives)

  • Chip, Natural Movement-phile

Where do we move?

Berkeley Natural Outdoor Workouts every Saturday at 9:30 am at the Berkeley Marina.

Miscellaneous weekday workouts throughout Berkeley and its neighboring boroughs

Is this for me?

Could be! No matter what size, age, or shape you're in.  This movement tribe's vision is to assist others in finding and fulfilling their own potential and spectrum of human movement including (not in any particular order) calisthenics, MovNat, animal flow, Ido Portal, Rafe Kelley inspired movement, gymnastics rings, parkour, yoga, etc.